How to lose weight without fatigue

How to lose weight without fatigue

Who I Am And Why Should You Listen To Me?
Tom Venuto as Seen In OprahI’m Tom Venuto… and yes, I really am a 7-time Natural (steroid-free) Bodybuilding Champion... and NO you DO NOT have to become a bodybuilder to quickly get into the best shape of your life.
I’ve been working with regular people of all shapes and sizes for over 20 years as a trainer, gym manager and fat loss coach.
Plus I’ve authored more than 500 articles on fitness and nutrition and I've been featured on over two dozen radio shows including Martha Stewart Healthy Living (on Sirius Satellite radio), 1250-ESPN and WCBS-AM New York…
You can find me all over the internet as well as in print. I've written for many major fitness magazines including Muscle and Fitness, IRONMAN magazine, Men's Fitness, and I was recently featured in Oprah magazine.
The reason my fat loss system has been praised and publicized is because the secret behind my 49-Day Body Transformation doesn’t just help you move the needle on your scale…
… it helps you achieve permanent fat loss while protecting your lean muscle tissue. "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" - that's what it's all about.
Please listen closely because the truth is:
But as you’ve probably discovered, most weight loss is temporary at best. That’s because most diets are designed for you to fail.
The people behind them have never worked alongside real people to see what it really takes to make a change.
They don’t know the struggle regular people endure to overcome a lifetime of bad habits and faulty information.
Diet companies and internet marketers only see you as a blip on a sales chart - not a human being.
My system is the only one backed by 20 years of “in the trenches” fitness training with real people. I’ve personally guided thousands of people as they transformed their bodies and took control over their lives.
I know what it takes. It’s not always a walk in the park. But here’s the good news:

I want to help lose weight

I want to help lose weight 

transform your body in 49 days 
It involves a little-known body science discovered almost eighty years ago, that... when combined with certain foods proven to skyrocket your metabolism …
… produce a fat-torching system so effective it will transform your body in 7 weeks!
Sound Impossible? …
Well, this is the secret that Hollywood celebrities and professional models use to keep their bodies in such “photo ready” condition they actually want the paparazzi taking their picture at the beach……
It's the secret that women's figure champs and natural body-builders use to get "ripped" six-pack abs...
And it’s the same secret behind all those people you think are “naturally skinny” and seem to eat whatever they want without gaining an ounce.
Now, granted, you’re probably not stalked by photographers the way celebrities are… and you may never step on a bodybuilding or fitness competition stage.
Fat Loss expert and Burn the Fat author Tom Venuto
People are constantly posting personal photos on Facebook and Twitter and - right or wrong - we do judge each other on appearance.
So if you want to start looking your hottest 24/ rediscover a buzz of energy you haven’t felt in years…
and if you’re finally serious enough to stop pretending there’s a magic pill that can do this for you, then...
Reading This Letter Today
Could Be a Major Turning Point In Your Life
But I have to warn you: What you’ll read on this web page below is the total opposite of what you’ve been hearing from the diet industry.
The simple truth is: They do not want you to achieve permanent weight loss, because when you succeed - they lose a customer.
It’s also important to know that this web page will not stay online much longer.
I've been coaching fitness models and bodybuilders for over 20 years, but I’ve never given away the secret behind my #1 selling fat burning system on a public web page like this, so please read it all right now while you can.
Here’s the deal…
Whether you need to ultimately lose 100 pounds or that stubborn last 10, you can start your transformation immediately.
The Secret I'll Share With You:

Has nothing to do with worthless "fat burner" supplements...
Has nothing to do with dangerous weight loss surgery... 
Does not require killing yourself in the gym...
And you definitely will NOT go hungry!

How to make money From your site

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Lose Weight With Hoodia

For many people trying to lose weight is a lifelong struggle.  This is precisely why there are so many diet books for sale – most of them leave those who use them hungry.  And hunger is the biggest reason why diets fail; after all who can resist diving at that chocolate cream pie when pangs and cravings are tempting you.  If you look at most diet plans, you will see that they are basically unrealistic, the caloric intake is simply too small to keep you feeling satisfied. 
Chicken Sandwich (Daily Mail)
Obesity is not just caused by eating too much food for your three main meals, but it results from the person actually eating most of their waking hours.  Sitting down to watch television with a bowl of potato chips and munching on candy while using your computer mean that food is going into your mouth outside of mealtimes.  Part of a good weight loss plan will involve retraining yourself not to eat constantly.  Fortunately, there could well be a way that can help you to manage your weight, and that is hoodia.  By making hoodia a part of a balanced weight loss program, you might find that you will soon be looking and feeling much better.
Incubationer LTD

·        Hoodia.  When you have decided to use hoodia as part of your diet plan, be sure that you purchase it from a reputable supplier.  You will probably see better results with a product that is grown under controlled conditions and has been tested for strength and purity.  There are a number of products on the market that claim to be hoodia, but often contain only a tiny amount of this appetite suppressing substance.
·        Exercise.  It is important to include exercise in any attempts to lose weight.  You will not only burn off more calories, but you will be toning your body as well.  Walking a mile a day will use up hundreds of calories without putting any strain on your body.
·        Do not starve.  You might think that because hoodia helps to suppress your appetite that you can cut back to a handful of calories a day.  This, however, is the wrong approach and eating 1200 calories a day can help you to lose more weight than if you eat 500.  When your body perceives it is starving, it will hoard calories, so you can actually gain weight even if you’ve cut calories to the bone.

Incubationer LTD           Incubationer LTD    Incubationer LTD

·        Tea.  This refreshing beverage is loaded with antioxidants that will help to clean up toxins as your body slims down.  Besides this benefit, tea also contains caffeine, which speeds up your metabolism slightly – again burning unwanted calories.
·        Water.  Besides suppressing the appetite, hoodia also suppresses thirst.  One way to make sure that you remain properly hydrated while taking hoodia is to make sure that you drink two full glasses of water before each meal, and two in the middle of the afternoon.  Water also helps you to digest your food more efficiently and keeps your tissues and organs functioning properly.

How white can I get my teeth?

How white can I get my teeth?

The pigmentation of teeth varies from person to person much like that of the eyes or hair, but as a general rule our teeth are fairly white when we are young but tend to get progressively darker with age. This is due in part to more tooth substance being gradually laid down inside the teeth which gradually diminishes the size of the cavity in the middle of the teeth where the nerves and blood vessels are, (the pulp), and gradually increases the density of tooth substance making the teeth look darker.

The second reason teeth darken with age is due to absorption of stains over time due to smoking, or from food and drinks like tea and coffee.

Dentists use a shade guide to determine the right colours to make artificial crowns to match in with natural teeth, and such a shade guide is very useful when you set out to whiten your teeth as you can see the amount of improvement. Teeth generally have slight shades of yellow, pink, grey, or brown in them, and the actual hue doesn�t change as we get older, but rather the shade of the hue darkens. The whitest teeth are probably a shade B1 on the usual shade guide, and this is very white with just a faint hint of yellow. Another common shade found in natural teeth is a light greyish one and this would be C2 or C3 on a shade guide.

When you whiten your teeth they often go much whiter to begin with, maybe up to 5 shades, but then gradual settle down and end up about 2-3 shades whiter. So an older person with grey teeth due to smoking may start at C4 and expect to end up as C1-C2. This may not sound that dramatic, but indeed it is an extremely noticeable difference, and anyone with teeth the shade of C1 would be very happy.

Similarly someone starting out at B4 with quite yellow teeth may expect to reach B1-B2 after a period of teeth whitening treatment. The �rebound� effect is inevitable and is probably partly due to some dehydration that occurs during the teeth bleaching process.

This is reckoned not to be harmful but it does mean that you might want to take that into account. Severe dehydration is most likely to occur with �power� or �laser� whitening carried out in the dental chair, since a much more concentrated bleaching agent is used together with a powerful light.

This dehydration accounts for the postoperative hypersensitivity of teeth often experienced for a while after power whitening. This effect is much less noticeable with home whitening treatments that are gentler in their action, especially with non-peroxide systems like Zero Peroxide. 

most teeth whitening treatment

most teeth whitening treatment 
The European Union has stepped in to ban certain types of home whitening kits because of concerns about possible adverse side effects, maintaining that kits with high concentrations of peroxide be used only under the close supervision of a dentist. This is because people using peroxide kits at home run the risk of chemical burns to their mouth from overspill of gel from mouth trays and hypersensitivity of their teeth following treatment.

This has forced manufacturers to bring out teeth whitening kits with different formulations that comply with current or imminent regulations. The new types of kit use sodium bicarbonate, or sometimes sodium perborate as their main active ingredient to achieve excellent whitening of teeth without any risk of problems or side effects.

The main points to note for safe use of any home whitening kit are as follows:

� Make sure you read and understand all the instructions.
� Don�t carry on using a whitening system for more than four weeks without consulting a dentist. It is best to give your teeth a rest after four weeks of intensive treatment but this is usually all you need to achieve an excellent whitening effect. If you should encounter any increased sensitivity it is wise to stop the treatment for two or three days at a time to let the teeth settle, and then resume.
� Keep to the recommended amount of whitening gel. Putting too much into the mouth-trays will not speed up the process, but it will make overspill more likely. This is not harmful with non-peroxide kits but you will be wasting gel.� Avoid home teeth whitening kits if you are under 16, pregnant, or have white spots on your teeth as can be caused by some medications in early life. If you do have white spots then teeth whitening treatment may make these more, rather than less, obvious.

What you'll learn and find in Metabolic Cooking

What you'll learn and find in Metabolic Cooking:
More than 250 Fat Torching Recipes, all designed with metabolic thermo-charged ingredients. These recipes are all quick and easy to prepare, are ultra tasty, and will boost your metabolism for a fat burning diet.
A Built-In Nutritional System: our special Metabolic Nutri-Profile we’re using in all the recipes will tell you precisely what nutrients you're taking in and make sure that each meal is making the most out of your metabolic rate. Now, managing your nutrition will be simpler and way more effective.
EVERYTHING About Fat Burning Foods: everything that a person looking to lose body fat should know about food and nutrition. You will get access to our exclusive list of metabolic thermo-charged top fat burning foods!
Our 10 Cooking And Nutrition Rules: learn our non-negotiable and essential principles to be successful with your fat loss goals.
How To Beat The Metabolic Adaptation Phenomenon: you will learn what, when and how to eat in order to burn the fat non-stop, faster, and keep it off FOREVER.

How To Create Your Own Individualized Fat Loss Meal Plan: you will know exactly how to create, tweak, and adhere to a PERFECT fat loss meal plan that is completely individualized to fit YOUR particular needs.
How To Manage Your Kitchen, Your Meal Preparation And Your Food Budget Successfully: you will learn all the tricks to manage and prepare your meals faster than ever, and won't be wasting your money anymore.
Complete Access To Our PRIVATE Lists Of Resources: you will be provided with our personal grocery shopping lists, where to get the best kitchen supplies and quality ingredients, our cooking glossary, and even the same daily food logs we use at home.

And Much, Much More!

South Beach Diet and the Atkins Low Carb Plan.

The Atkins Low Carb Diet is based on eating very few carbs, and this is especially true during "Phase 1".  We believe that it's one of the strictest low carb diets on the market, especially during "Phase 1". 

There is no mistaking this program for anything other than a very strict low carb plan, since it only allows 80 carb calories per day during the first phase (20 grams of net carbs is approximately 80 carb calories per day)........and that's less carbs than you'll find in a large apple, since even a large apple has slightly more carbs than that. 

Phase 1 of the Atkins Diet is now listed as 'optional' -- but even if Phase 1 is skipped we still believe that the overall carb limitations make it a very strict low carb diet. 

This program is probably not for the faint of heart, since only truly committed dieters will probably be able to withstand Phase 1 of this program.

What about the South Beach Diet?

The South Beach diet is also a fairly strict low carb program (especially during the first phase).....though perhaps not as strict as the Atkins program.

...But it's our opinion that the South Beach plan is too strict (limits carbs too much) to be practical for everyday dieters -- especially during phase 1 with the severely reduced carbs and other rules forbidding many foods.

For example, we've observed that the higher carb foods (on the South Beach menu) are severely limited in portions during the first phase of the diet -- and this prevents a normal amount of carbs from being eaten during the first phase.  

In fact, most of the foods which dieters are allowed to eat in "unlimited portions" (during phase 1) are protein foods and super-low-calorie vegetables.

For example, the South Beach menu allows unlimited lettuce during phase 1 --- but yet it limits the portions of "tomatoes" and "onions" and "peanuts". 

Additionally, the "sweet snacks" which are allowed on the South Beach menu are limited to a mere 75 calories per day during phase 1.  

So even though the South Beach plan allows "sweet snacks" -- they are severely limited to just 75 calories per day........and that's less calories than a single large cookie contains. 

So although the South Beach program is not as strict as the Atkins diet, it's our opinion that both diets are fairly strict low carb programs -- and we believe that both plans will be fairly difficult to follow for average dieters who are not truly committed, especially during Phase 1.

Also.......both of these diets seem to have no "end" in sight -- since both the Atkins plan and the South Beach diet never allow dieters to return to a normal carb lifestyle (where carbs don't have to be closely watched). 

Both of these diets do gradually allow more and more carbs to be eaten as time goes by of course (as time goes by the rules are relaxed a bit), but even after 6 months dieters are still told to watch their carb intake to some degree each day, and both diets seem to require a lifetime commitment of some sort.

So it's a permanent lifestyle change which is required by these diets, and many dieters may find it difficult to never be able to enjoy their favorite carb-filled restaurant meals (which can be eaten completely "as served", and without any restrictions).

So overall we think that both diets are not very practical for average dieters who are not 100% committed to making huge sacrifices for the long term, since we believe that many people will find it difficult to modify their entire lifestyle permanently.   We therefore recommend against using the South Beach and Atkins programs for most people, for the reasons outlined above.

End of Review.

We've created a new Fat Burning Diet which has no specific limits on portions (it also allows 3 cheat days every 11 days where anything can be eaten, making the diet more practical for everyday dieters). 

Thousands of people are losing weight each week using this new diet

Truth About the Food Pyramid and Healthy Eating

Truth About the Food Pyramid and Healthy Eating

Most people have heard about "The Food Pyramid".   It's a government created guideline for "healthy eating" each day, it's sort of a general nutrition guide for the country.

In fact, the government (US Department of Agriculture) has recently upgraded it's food pyramid -- but the truth is that it's still an unsatisfactory guideline for people who want to lose weight.

It's important to remember that the Food Pyramid was not created for "weight loss", it was created as a "general nutrition guide" to maintain average health. 

It's supposed to be a general nutrition guide for healthy eating, so you must remember that it's not a tool meant to help you with fat loss and dieting.

In other words, it's not the best choice to help overweight people who want to get slim in a hurry.

Secondly, the new Food Pyramid is based on vague nutritional guidelines which are nearly as bureaucratic and vague as possible.   It advocates that people should eat specific "ounces" of food based on a person's age, weight, gender, and other factors.  

...But trying to calculate your daily food intake by using such vague guidelines is just not very fun or practical -- not to mention it's not very easy to do either.

In other words, it's not a solution for weight loss -- nor is it a practical solution for healthy eating each day.   In fact, the Food Pyramid is just like most other government created "guidelines" --- which means it's the result of a bureaucratic effort which aims to give vague and general advice.

If you're looking to lose weight then you certainly don't want to use the new Food Pyramid as a tool to help you, since you likely won't see fast dieting results by doing that.

If you're looking to get skinny then we have created an Online Diet Generator which can allow you to lose weight fast, and more importantly our diet generator is easy to use (and it calculates all of your meals for you, so that you don't have to do any work yourself). 

We know that people need an easy to follow menu in order to begin losing weight, since people don't want to read food labels and count calories (most people are too busy for that anyway).

We help thousands of overweight people lose fat each week, and we are one of the most popular fat burning sites on the Internet.  So go ahead and try our Diet Generator and watch how quickly you'll begin losing weight.  Remember that there are no calorie limits when using our fat burning program, since counting calories doesn't work.   Our fat loss system is based on a new type of eating never seen before...

Are Low Carb Diets Good or Bad for Weight Loss Success?

Everybody has heard of “low carb" diets -- since they are emerging as the newest trend in dieting.

But do they really work? ...And if so, are they the solution to weight loss that everybody is looking for?We don’t think so, because most low carb diets have several problems which make losing weight very difficult for the “average” dieter.For example, if you follow the Atkins diet (a popular low carb program) then the restriction on carbs for the first couple weeks is very severe (by almost any standards). The Atkins program allows just 20 grams of "net carbs" per day during the first phase of the diet (which usually lasts for 2 weeks).Just to give you an idea of how few carbs that really is – even a large apple has more than 20 grams of "net carbs".This low level of carbs is often too severe for the “average” dieter to tolerate for 2 weeks straight, and in fact eating such a low level of carbs can make a person feel “weak” and “miserable” all day long (because your body needs more carbs than that for energy). Other low carb diets (such as the South Beach Diet) are not quite as severe as the Atkins Plan, but in our opinion even the South Beach Diet is not as easy to follow as it could be. We believe that a successful diet needs to be easy to follow – because that’s the only way that people will stick to the diet and lose weight. We believe that diets should not make average people feel “miserable” and “weak” all day long, because if a diet makes people feel miserable and weak then it’s going to be very difficult for average dieters to adhere to such programs. We’re not saying that all low carb diets are as restrictive as the Atkins Diet is, but we're saying that most low carb diets are so hard to follow that “average dieters” will probably wind up feeling hungry and weak all day long (which is not a good thing for dieting success in our opinion).We believe that “low carbs” is not the answer to losing weight, since your body needs a reasonable amount of all 3 types of calories to lose weight consistently (protein, carbs, and fat). The truth is that your body needs a reasonable amount of protein, carbs and fat calories too. To lose weight quickly you must eat all 3 types of calories in the right proportions, and that’s why most dieters fail. They fail because nobody knows what the right proportions of calories should be.To begin losing weight fast we recommend using the new

 Fat Burning Diet 
shown below -- since there are no specific "portion limits" at
 any meal (and dieters can eat as much as they need to at each meal).   Also, unlimited amounts of certain condiments can be eaten with every meal. This is a brand new type of diet never seen before

You can begin this new diet right here.

weight loss between the truth and fiction

weight loss between the truth and fiction  

Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK.   
You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets.  Low fat foods have been popular for more than 15 years, but yet our society is getting more overweight as each year passes.  This fact alone should tell you that eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.

Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK.
You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either.   In fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau).   You can never get slim by starving yourself.
Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK.
You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb Dieting Plan.  Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people.   Low carb menus tend to rob your body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly impossible to remain on the program for very long.  This is why so many dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu.
What about Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig Dieting Plans?
Weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers (and Jenny Craig) usually involve slower dieting progress over a longer period of time, since such programs generally promise only 2-3 pounds of weight loss per week.  Also, programs such as Jenny Craig usually involve buying special meals and/or dietary supplements during the initial phases of the program.  While some people may like these types of dietary programs, we prefer a dieting plan which focuses on faster weight loss, such as the Accelerated Fat Burning Program shown below.

Bleaching teeth A safe manner

    Bleaching teeth A safe manner

 Mint Cosmetics is a premium home teeth whitening kit which contains Sodium Bicarbonate (Na HCO3) combined with Activated Oxygen– a teeth whitening gel which is up to 400% faster acting than most Peroxide based products, not to mention safer.

Unlike other competitor products which contain Carbamide or Hydrogen Peroxide, Mint Cosmetics Sodium Bicarbonate gel breaks down almost immediately, and the activated O2 molecule whitens teeth by removing stain molecules.

The result: Mint Cosmetics produces visible teeth whitening results up to 400% faster than its Peroxide-based counterparts.

Furthermore, Mint Cosmetics Teeth whitening Gel is one of the most effective kits that is UK and EU approved, meaning it is not only safer than Peroxide based gels but it is compliant with the most recent developments in dental legislation.

Mint Cosmetics packs priced from £37.50 (approximately $60) offers one of the most pliable sets of whitening trays available on the market (due to its specifically thinner design), mouth guard to store you whitening trays in, 4 x 3ml Na HCO3 gel dispensers giving you 48 applications, instructional booklet, DVD
and 28 day money back guarantee.  

Grabbed the opportunity
From here 

Keeping that New Year resolution in check

        Keeping that New Year resolution in check  
Staying on track…
Keeping that New Year resolution in check – 5 top tips to stay on track
We all have the best intentions when the clock strikes midnight on New Years Eve but how can we stay true to our promises?  Once we get back to work our busy lives take over & it can be hard to stay on track with our New Year’s resolutions.  Statistically this week is the time when most people fall off the New Year’s dieting wagon.  So we thought we would lend a hand by giving you some timely reminders & pointers so as to help you avoid slipping into the typical traps!
1.  Set yourself realistic achievable goals & weekly weight loss targets, don’t give in to the first hurdle of temptations.  Treat each temptation to cheat or quit as test of personal morality.  Relish this opportunity of taking control over your eating habits – treat your resolution as a challenge and every time you reach a set goal, however big or small, make sure to give yourself a well deserved reward.

The right way
Click Hare
2.  Start your day off on the right foot by eating a healthy breakfas
of fruit & oats with yoghurt.  Or if its a cold brisk morning porridge is always a good call at this time of year.  Don’t forget to have plenty of water throughout the day & avoid snacking on sweets and bad carbs such as bread as much as possible.
3. Find new ways of spicing up your healthy food recipes for lunch & dinner.  This will help keep food interesting & therefore motivate you to stay away from bad habits such as climbing into the biscuit tin!  Remember to have bigger meals at the beginning of the day and more modest dinners to reduce fat cells from building up overnight when you are sleeping.
4.  Alcoholic drinks have many calories however it is the type of food that we are tempted to eat whilst drinking.  This is the main root cause of damage to our weight loss results.  Try to drink as little alcohol during the week as possible, eat light dinners in the evening and get to bed early to give yourself the best rest possible to feel fresh & revived in the morning.
5. Stay active, find interesting things to do during your spare time.  As its the New Year there are lots of things happening whether your interests lie within the arts, music, entertainment, travel, sport or other areas.  Try to find a creative avenue to put your talents & interests to good use.  By doing this you will increase your psychological well being & contentment which will in turn also help to reduce hunger in itself!

The right way
Click Hare